As in the past, we all went to the parade, minus Mike's parents who went to see Donna yesterday. It was cold, but a great parade. Normally, our parade consists of the Shriner motorcycles, an 18 wheeler and Santa in a dump truck, but it was actually good! Here are some pictures I took and some that Larry Jr. took (he emailed me his...Dad hasn't sent me his HE took yet. I will post them when he sends them out). Don't forget you can click on the picture and it will enlarge. Mine are worth enlarging!!!! HA!

These were taken yesterday at the parade! Here is from L to R is Lauren and Ashley beside her. Behind Ashley is Britt and beside her is Justin..her boyfriend and beside Ashley is Beth, their cousin and then Courtney. They had a ball and it was FREEZING!

Courtney is such a ham. I love this picture...I took it, of course! Larry Jr. kept warm.

This is Britt and Justin. He is the nicest guy! Britt seems to be happy right now with him.

I don't know where Lauren was in this picture, but that's Court, Ashley, Beth, Britt and Justin.

I may print this picture and frame it. Larry Jr. MAY have taken it, but I doubt it. It's too good! hee hee
More pictures below!!!!
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