Well, this blogger thing posts entries backwards, so this is the second posting today...the first being below this one!
Here are more pictures of what we have been doing... On the left is Ashley posing with the Chic-fillet cow at the Miracle league baseball game she volunteers with, with the police dept. Ashley is the one on the right.
Here we are at Guadalahara's for Courtney's birthday party. Courtney and Mike's mother sang a duet.

Dad and Mom were there, as was Donna beside Dad, then Silker. Across the table is Mike in the hat. There were alot of people there you can't see.
This is a picture of Courtney singing in Atlanta, as I explain in the entry below. Courtney sang at a Country Music Association in Georgia.

AND Britt and Deanna having a great time scoping out boys!
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