We all went out to the Tadpole for Ashley's going away dinner last night at the Tadpole in Greer!

and it was good!
I also wanted to say that my freaking computer's hard drive went out on me yesterday morning at 6:22am' and I ain't been right since. It was 71/2 years old and contained SO much...sniff sniff. Thankfully...THANKFULLY...THANKFULLY...I had all of my pictures off and stored on my web album and everything else can be replaced if needed. Courtney's bio was on it, but that can be rewritten. I'm still kinda twitchy. I went on Dell and ordered a new system. It's great and comes with a 20" flat screen with built in webcam and mic. NOW we're talking!!!
Then, this morning, we had to take Ashley to the airport for her flight to Norfolk to head to her ship in Portsmouth. I hate airports...well...half the time I hate them and the other half, I love them, depending on who's coming or going. Today wasn't NEARLY as awful as when she left for basic training. She has communication now. She took her laptop, but while getting her baggage checked at the x-ray machine, changed her mind. She had SOOOO much stuff crammed in her seabag, suit bag, carry on bag, hat box, orders envelope, purse and her hat she was wearing, she couldn't manage the laptop too. So, we brought it back home and will mail it to her when she wants us to.
There were no tears this time. She was SOOOOOO excited to go! Either we bored her to tears while she was home, or she was truely excited to get there. 
That's her at 6am this morning headed out the door.
So now, it's back to semi-normal....at least until Sunday when I drive Courtney to Florida to audition for American Idol. Now, That's going to be some trip! I'll keep everyone posted!
I'm on Britt's laptop now and it's hard to type...smaller keyboard.
Well, I'm off to Wal-Mart....bye for now...
OH...update, Ash called from the Taxi in Norfold headed to Portsmouth and she sounded SOOO nervous! I sent her a picture to her cell phone of Boomer holding a note that said, "GOOD LUCK MOMMY". I'll let ya'll know how she does.
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