Well, Britt decided she wanted to try a few push-ups, sit-ups etc....OMG. It was hilarious. Ashley was acting like a drill instructor (or CC as they're called in the Coast Guard) getting down and screaming at Britt..."ARE YOU KIDDING ME...DO YOU CALL THAT A PUSH-UP" and "GET DOWN AND PUSH ME SOME EARTH". Britt was laughing SO HARD, she couldn't move, which made Ashley scream even harder at her. The dogs were going crazy barking at them, then Buddy got so worked up, he had a seizure!
Then, Ashley got her black boots out to polish them. So, we were all entertained with the intricacies of boot polishing. There has GOT to be an easier way! She used cotton balls, Kiwi black polish and a brush. Geeeeze. I think the CC's at basic teach them that way so it takes longer...occupies more of their time. I think they got these spongy things you can buy that instantly polishes a boot in like 2 seconds.
It was midnight before we all went to bed!

So, I'm always adding pics to this blog and this is one I came across this morning of her boats emblem. I thought it was pretty cool!
I was going to take pictures from last night...especially of Mike trying to do flutter kicks, but they forbid me to even touch the camera. Just use your imagination!!!ha
Have a nice day!
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