I was poking around on the net and found this recent pic of Ashley's boat on HAT DAY...
Now, that's her Captain front row second from left...WHERE IS MY BABY AT? NOTE TO ASHLEY: feel free to leave a comment below...inquiring minds want to know!!!

Well...let's see what's happened since my last glorious post.....hmmmm....nothing. Just the way I like it!
We went to hear all the local high school chorus's this week and MAN was Mauldin's Chorus great...they got TWO standing ovations! Then, last night was another chorus function...the honors chorus program which was again, fantastic.
Next program slated for Mauldin's chorus will be their Christmas program and NO, I DON'T KNOW WHEN IT IS. Count on it being before Christmas tho! HAAAAAAAAA
There is Courtney on the back row with the other "Super-anos".

Last night, Mike and I went across the street and Grandma Terry had fixed MEATLOAF...Woo-HOO! Ashley....sorry you missed it! They also fixed something they ain't never fixed before...canned carrots!
Peas and carrots! Dinner was great...as usual!

Earlier this week, Britt and I was over there visiting and this HORRIBLE stench seeped up from the floor under the table. BOOMER. Geeeze...he had gas and I, naturally, was there to record the moment!
It really was awful...Darrell, you'd a been proud of that dog! HAAAAAAAAAAAA

Well, that's all for the moment. Court sings in Bubba's Daddy's church tonight...not exactly sure what's going on there, but I, along with Dad, will be there camera in tow!
Note to Ashley: We miss you and are available to all forms of communication...text, email, call or osmosis. Be careful down there and don't be giving your cell number (or any of your sisters's cell numbers) out to any weird boys. LOVE YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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