We'll all doing good here....boring, but great!
Lets see what we got going on this week....
Last night Court had band practice in Hendersonville. Britt and I went and shopped around a little while they were gone.
Tonight is all the High Schools around here's Choral thing. It was at Furman last year, but THIS year, thankfully, will be at a local HUGEmongous church.
Tomorrow night, Court has band practice AGAIN in Hendersonville.
Thursday night, Court has practice with another group who is putting on a show Dec. 5th in Travelers Rest.
Friday night is....I DON'T KNOW...probley headed to Guadalajara's for some Karaoke!
Saturday night, Court and Bubba are singing at Bubba's Daddy's church in Simpsonville. He'll be picking for her while she sings....I'm excited about that one because they sound SO good together.
Sunday I ain't doing NOTHING.
We got two letters from Ash this week...WOOOO-HOOOOOO! She seems to be tired, busy, but happy. As Grandma Sprouse used to say, "Busy hands are happy hands"!
She's getting Helo qualified.
She said she has to like, TIE the BLADES DOWN! Geeeeze. I hope they ain't still spinning around!

She got her barracks room assigned to her, but she'll have to wait till she gets back to enjoy that! Hopefully she won't be on that boat long because I'm anxious for her to get to figure out what she want to do in the Coast Guard and get on to A-School. THEN I want her to make ADMIRAL! BAH-HAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
The boys (dogs) are doing good, but not great. Little Cujo's ear is better, but now that Harley
is back over here, Cujo can't STAND IT. I can't even get him to eat. Ya'll (all 6 of you) think I'm crazy, but Cujo was up at midnight...MIDNIGHT!...wanting to go across the street to his Silker and Papa's house. He was pitiful. Of course, he then got Boomer all stirred up...Boomer thought it was morning time and he wanted to EAT...AGAIN! THEN Harley comes flying out of Britt's room wanting to play and Buddy was growling his head off. I.WAS.NOT.HAPPY. I told Britt when P.J. returns from wherever he is working, Harley is OUT OF HERE. period. Nuff said.

OK...so I'm sitting here looking thru my photos trying to find some to post on here for Ashley. She said in her email that she checks this board every day, so I feel compelled now to give her something to read and look at. Something BEAUTIFUL!!!
I LOVE it! hee
This is another pic I love..........
NOTE to Dad: Before you get all pouty because you don't have these pics, you DO have them, I got them from your web album and I cropped them down to make them BETTER! haaaaaaaaaaa
WHAAA?! How did HE GET IN HERE?!?!

Well, that's it for the moment. If I do ANY thing interesting, fun or unusual today, I will capture the moment on my NEW PINK Blackberry...

I don't want another all touch screen phone...ya'll have NO idea how hard it is to text on a touch screen while driving thru Simpsonville! O MY GOSH! So, I got the curve. I will probley head to Verizon on Friday so I can just HOLD the Storm
...just hold it.

I read where Barrack uses his blackberry all the time.
See! The Prez Elect has one! So does...Jessica Simpson!
Her phone is exactly like mine, cept mine is pink....

OK...Brad PITT has one...AHHHH
and LASTLY...George Clooney...yup...George got one too!
Mom, that one ws for you!

Well, that's all I got time for now. I'm headed to the post office to mail Ashley's box off and her debit card, which I had replaced when her other one was sucked up in the ATM machine in Miami, Mama took care of her baby!
Have a great day everyone!
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