!st....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE....yup, the big 29 once again! Somebody's gotta be 29 and it might as well be me!
Courtney began her "1st Day of School as a Senior" prep-age like 3 days ago.
She got her senior parking pass, got her sun tan going on, showered and all that last night, then spent an hour straightening her already straight hair.
Then, at PRECISELY 0650 this morning, she arose! She even grinned once, but I'm not real sure about that. So, after 72 minutes of intense post-prep glamorizing of herself, the clouds parted and she FLOATED down the hall way to make her grand entrance for her Daddy and me. Mike just grunted and I had FORGOTTEN it was her first day, and when I saw her staring at me with perfectly lined eyes, it dawned on me what it was and I just made a HUGE fuss over her. I even had to grab the camera...
and here she isssssssssssssssss.................
so, after her taking a "moment", she grabbed her pocketbook and floated on out the back door.
BLURRRRY, I know, but she wouldn't stand still and pose, then I got on her nerves....
So, after all THAT drama, it was time to focus on Boomer.
His ears need cleaning out real good and Dr. Verdin said he needs to be put to sleep to do that.
I texted Ash and told her that Boomer needed to be put to sleep at the vets today because of his ears and
I forgot to mention it was for a CLEANING.
I'M SORRY ASHLEY! It's my birthday, what can I say...I'm getting OLD.
That's it for all our drama. I'm tired. I think I'll go to wal-mart and share my day with "my" people! hee
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