The thing I was talking about the other day that I couldn't mention was my NEW GUITAR! A Taylor 214 and it's the most beautiful thing! The sound that comes out it is aMAZING and it just nearly plays itself. All I do is hold on with both hands and it just takes off!
Notice the "G Chord" I'm making? Well, my guitar instructor would be SO proud! I think I'll print this up for him and take it to him Tuesday for my lesson. He thinks I only make the "proper" G chord for him and make the easier, faster G chord everywhere else!
We all (minus Britt) went to Pumpkintown last night and Mike took the pics, so I want to apologize for the inferior pics that wouldn't meet my standards, but I just can't do EVERYthing! HAAA
Here is the Chief...
Now, when I spoke of Mike's inferior photo takin' skills above, I wasn't kidding. Notice HALF of Dad is shaded? THAT'S MIKES FREAKING THUMB OVER THE FLASH.
Here is Mike's thumb again...
Notice this next pic...Court and I are making the EXACT SAME CHORD! I am SOOO good! hee
Notice Silker wanting to jump in and grap my new guitar and attemp to play it?! yup.
I wish Court would quit hogging the mic and playing so loud so people can hear ME!
Mom is having a great time back there!
We had a great time and I LOVE my new guitar!
BUT, before all that was Grandma Terry's 91st Birthday party!
Nearly everyone was there!
and everyone had a great time!
Britt and Peeej was there...
Kevin and his family was there...
Delores and Rachel...
Jeremiah, Ethan and Leelei
Donna and Dee...
Here's Grandma T. blowing out the candles...
more fun pics...
Lawwww....there's me!
more fun pics...
Here's R.J. (and me!)
Here's a group photo...WHY won't everyone behave?
This next pic is after several attempts to get THEM to behave...
Kevin and fam...
Donna and dee...
ASHLEY...this next one if for you!
There's your boy!
Here's the crowd...minus meeeeeeeee!
Grandma T. was SOOO excited, she could barely contain herself! ha
Here's Court making her music...
And singing...which was actually pretty good!
There are ALOT more pictures here....
That's about it...
**ASHLEY UPDATE** - She arrives back in Virginia TODAY!!!!!! Yesterday was her 20th birthday, so we ALLLL texted her cell phone. When she cuts it on today, she'll be bombarded with texts! I'll keep ya'll posted on her!!!
Have a great day!
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