I know it's been a few days! I've worked alot and been a pickin' and stuff and YES, I have pictures!The other day, we all went to Gaffney to visit the music store and eat at the outlet they have there. Actually, we ate first THEN went to the music store. I ate chinese and not 3 minutes later, I was literally seeing spots...the kind you get before a migraine hits. OMGEEEE, I thought. I guess it was the MSG in the food. I hurried up and drank alot of water and took an Aleve and gradually, the spots vanished. WHEW. NO HEADACHE.
So, anyways, by the time we got to the music store, I could see alittle bit.
Here is Britt trying out the instruments...
I think she has a career in it! HAAAAAAAAAAWe hung around there for like, an HOUR, then went back home. I was just SOOO happy I didn't get the headache.Later on Saturday night, I took a half day off work and we allllll went to Table Rock State Park for their monthly pickin' parlor. There were alot of people there and it was alot of fun. It is SO pretty there. Dad took this picture...
It really is that pretty there!Here we are!
I don't know if you can pick them out, but there's guitars, banjo's, fiddles, mandolins and a couple harmonicas! You can also see a microphone in the center that gets passed around the cirlcle. There's even FOOD! and it's FREEEEE! You see Mom gets to the front of the line for that! ha
HAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Grandma Terry is to the left of that picture waiting on Britt to get her plate for her.There is MY Grandma and Grandpa McCauley's next door neighbors and relative (I think), Pete and Irene. Now, THEY are crazy! Irene gave us a kitten one time...As everyone was eating, Court and a man played...
Here's Britt! She went too! I think she was bored after about the 4th hour there, but she hung in there. She's a VERY left-handed person, so she can't just pick up an extra guitar to play. She doesn't have the interest anyways. Here Silker is...she had been lurking in the shadows WAITING on her opportunity to hog the microphone...to steal it from her Granddaughter...
So, they did a duet!
She even trys to dress like Courtney. Too bad Court looks just like me! HAAAAAAAAAAAAll in all, we had a good time and can't wait to go back next month.Ashley called us and she was very happy and FULL (they have new, better cooks this time around) and ready to go shopping! ha! Where they were, she couldn't really SHOP, so she had to content herself with the base exchange. She should be back to Portsmouth soon and hopefully HOME soon after that. She starts her next phase of her career October 19...when she starts her A-School which will be in Yorktown, Va. She has decided to continue on with her Boatswain's Mate job, which she really loves. Mike and I and both her Grandpa's just wanted her to make a very informed decision on what career she wants in the Coast Guard and I believe she did. She has been on her cutter for over a year now and has done alot in this year. She did good! We can't wait to see what's next for her AND where she'll be stationed next...she gets to pick mid-way thru her schooling by class ranking. We're SO excited to see!That's it for the moment.I also have to put the pictures on here from Grandma Terry's birthday party, but they're in my camera in the bedroom and Mike's still asleep. I'll add them today.Have a great day!Joan
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