All the night before, she had her face in this steamer thing Silker has (NO, she wouldn't let me take her pic!) and slept with a humidifier and drank a gallon of REAL Ginger root tea and a half bottle of Rock and Rye and ANYthing else we could think of or google. I even considered getting a snake for a snake ritual mountain people do up in the mountains. I must say, the Ginger root tea probley did the best, but she was still manly sounding and couldn't switch to her chest voice for power at all.
SOOOO, she did her best and did great!
Here she is in her casual wear...
after that, they (there were 7 contestants) got into their talent wear.
Court sang Smokey Mountain Memories by Dolly Parton. You couldn't hear her too well because she wasn't singing out. Joey played BEAUTIFULLY the guitar for her...
After that, it was time for evening wear and she wore a purple gown.
She looked SO pretty and Brittany did her hair and eyes.
BUTTTTT....she didn't place.
Here are some of them...
Number 6 won EVERTHING...all the categories. She could dance!!!
Here is a link to dad's pics...
His turned out....decent! BAHHHH!!! His were really good, actually.
Afterwards, we all went out to eat at IHOP! Mom and Dad didn't go because they wanted to check on Chanda, who isn't doing very well. Somethings up with her liver. I hope the vet can figure it out!
That's it for my posts today.
OH....Ashley sent me a pic...this is her resting while packing...

Since she's coming home Saturday, she has to get everything in her apartment out. She's turning it back over to the Coast Guard, who in turn is turning it back over to the Navy, or something like that. She just has to have it completely empty and she's doing it pretty much by herself. As Megan is still in recovery with her parents in a house beside the hospital and her other roomate is pretty much gone, she's gotta get it done. She can handle it. She ran out of boxes last night and had to stop packing. I think she has more clothes than she thought! Some guys came and got her dresser already, so her clothes are everywhere! hee
When she returns, she'll have another week to finish packing, but she also has to report to this small boat station for that week and she doesn't know how much time they will give her to pack. I need to ask her what she did with the party lights and canes that surrounded their porch, went inside the apartment, up the stairs and down the hall! I hope she'll keep some for nostalgia!
Now I'm really done! Hope everyone has a great day! I'll be headed to Wal-Mart today to get some groceries for this weekend. I gotta work Fri-Sun. 7am-7pm, so that leaves no Wal-Mart therapy. THEN, I'M OFF WORK FOR TWO WEEEEEKS! WOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
More soon!
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