I took this picture during intermission time..
she nearly died! BAH-HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Actually, I did ask before I quickly took these pics...notice the poor quality? I was under STRICTER orders to NOT USE THE FLASH.
I was FORBIDDEN to use the flash. period.
SO, I dialed my aperture in and snapped away. They're still blurry, but whatev. I got pics of my baby judging!
Here is the last one..
I'm SURE ya'll photographers out there are squirming in your seats yelling at your monitors that I should have done this or that to have taken better pics, but, I did better than I thought and I didn't embarrass Court too badly! ha
She did great! The top prize in this was $400. and 2nd place was $200., so there was some competition going on.
This morning, Court and I went to see New Moon!

I used that pic instead of one with Edward because New Moon wasn't about Edward.
Anyways, Court and I were IN the theater at 10:30am! I told her on the way there that we'd be the only stupid ones out that early in the COLD, RAIN going to see a movie...WRONG! It was PACKED with other Mom's/daughters doing the same thing! I only saw 2 Dad's there! DEFINITE Chick Flick.!
Well, that's it...I have a big fire going in the fireplace and Court just started a movie up. Mike and Britt are working the Cirque de Soleil show.
OH....my big news...
Have a great day!
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