ANYways, I'm off today and tomorrow, so more shopping, cleaning, practicing my guitar etc...
The girls have been busy being themselves. Ash has been busy socializing and shopping. THAT'S my girl!
She sent me this picture of herself going to her buddy's house in her new dress she bought.

Here she is with two of her friend-girls..

They're at some NAVY guys apt., he is the boyfriend of the middle girl in this picture. Complicated, but I pretend to know what's going on.
I asked her what she ate for Thanksgiving Day and I THINK she said they went to Subway and got a Turkey sub. I do know she was homesick because she kept texting me telling me so! OR...maybe she WANTED me to think she was homesick so I would get her a bigger present! HA
OHHHH...she will be calling us with big BIG BIGGGG news today. She got her "pick" list last week of where she can choose to be stationed. In order of class standing, they will make their pick official today and choose where they will be stationed at next. Ash, being a female Coastie, was somewhat limited on her choices. They only have one cutter for the females open for them to get and there are 7 other girls trying for it. The guys have loads of cutters to choose from. Her land stations aren't great either. She wants a cutter first, and a station that does LOADS of Search and Rescue's and a very active station with a good command secondly. There are not alot of them on her list. She wants opportunity for advancement and needs a good, working station so she can qualify on more "stuff" and keep moving up.
I think, no, I KNOW, she has nearly made herself sick worrying about all that. After her Daddy and I talked to her all last week to calm "Ash" finally kicked in and she called us Wednesday and said she just can't continue worrying about something she has no control over and she wasn't going to worry/think about it anymore and what ever happens today, happens. SO...since that call, she has been back to herself again....enjoying life! I will post on here when I get the call, where she will be going.
As I said, her choices aren't great and she had no control of that. but wherever she goes, they will be very, VERY lucky to get her.
Back to Thanksgiving...Ma and Pa went to my Aunt Aurelia's house for dinner and my whole family was there MINUS my herd and a few others.
Here is my gorgeous niece, Lauren, my brother (glasses on his head), sister-in-law and cousin and his baby daughter.
There is my brother taking pics with his cell phone...he's SUCH the techy! It's genetic!
Here is Dad and his sister, my FAVORITE Aunt Aurelia!
There are loads more pics here..
Well, that's about it for the moment! Everyone is doing great and eager for CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!
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