Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Court's First Day of College

So, as I did last year, I captured the moment! Court's first day of something. Last year, it was her first day of her Senior year, now it's her first official day of college.
She looks so cute and collegiate!
Another exciting bit of news, which will come this afternoon...we find out if Britt's having a GIRL or boy. Get that! GIRL.....or boy. hee
Britt has been craving SOUR SOUR SOUR and hot. She thinks boy, her Daddy and I think girl. We've had over 22 years of "drama queen" girls in the house and it's all we know. I will update this afternoon after we get back from the 4D ultrasound! SOOO excited!
Ash emailed me earlier and she's doing good! She says it's really hot where she is and on her boat...which, except for the berthing area, isn't AIR CONDITIONED! WHAAAAAAAAAA???
She said it's been around 95 degrees. Hopefully, in the next couple of weeks, they will be back in an area where we can talk and txt and junk! hee
We've been so busy lately. We went to Charlotte this past weekend for a wedding of epic proportions. It was fanTABulously beautiful, big and the food was great too. Court sang in her first Catholic wedding, which was a HUGE change in what she was used to. It was a definite learning experience, but a good one and everyone at the Catholic church was SO nice to her. She sang Ave Maria and 3 other songs and they were beautiful, if I do say so myself!!!! We were just glad to get back home and getting Court ready for school.
Britt had her first sewing class last night and made a GORgeous pillowcase. I will take a pic of her holding it up after she gets dressed. She did a great job.

That's it for the moment. Stay tuned!!!!

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