Monday, January 10, 2011

SNOW 2011!

I want to give a shout out to all my Blog BFF's on the USCGC Midgett...HEYYYYY!!!!!! KORI- you're the best!!! Ashley - We LOVE YOU!
IT"S SNOWING! and alot too! Mike and I braved the back porch this morning to take a snow total picture. This was at 7:45am.
Mike wanted me to take his picture too....
Here is the back yard...
and Britt's truck...
It was cold and I was in my bedroom shoes, so I went back inside the house! hee
I'll take more pics soon and post them!
It's been a few days or more since I last posted. I didn't really take any pics recently, AND I had a terrible stomach virus AND I had to work some, so now I'm back to normal again! : )
I just took this picture of the dogs frolicking in the back yard, building a snowdog....
HAAAAAAA!!!! They wish!
Well, let me go look out the window some more. ASHLEY is calling home today, so I am beYOND happy!
More soon!

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