I can't believe we all survived the week! I think we're all tired from school, work, homework, work, running errands, work etc...
This morning, we are going to a Revolutionary War reenactment. Woo-hoo. Charlie called (the head of the Veterans Service Corps) and wants Court to sing 4 songs this morning. This is also a dedication to those who perished during this very important battle.
My weather thingy on my computer says it's 28 degrees now. She will be in the middle of a field and it's SOOOOO COOOOLLLLDDDD. Kenny, (for those who don't know him, is my cousin in Wyoming) if you're reading this, I know 28 degrees to you is like our 75 degrees, but we're wimpy! PLUS, it's been raining. SO, Court will wear her sneakers to the site and then change into her heels. Ain't life FUN!?
I, of COURSE, will post pictures today. It should actually be pretty interesting. We've never been to a reenactment, and the Battle of Canebrake (google it!) was a battle that was pivotal in turning the outcome of the war. Revolutionary, not Civil. I'm sure if it were a Civil war reenactment it would be one gigantic mess, that would end in warmed moonshine being consumed by one and all! hee hee
I'll post more later today...BYEE!
It was absolutely FREEEEZING! Even in the sun! Dad and I took pictures, of which, MINE look better! Ain't no doubt!
Here are a few of what I took.... Click on the picture and it will enlarge....

Dad took one and I took the other..GUESS which one I took? I took the one to the right. Notice how I captured the essence of the ceremony and the solomness of the gathering! The way the wreaths shown up from the ground as if to say...REMEMBER ME! I could almost feel the spirits of these soldiers. I know, very impressive. Dad just took a picture.
She sang for a crowd during the wreath dedication..mostly the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR), Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), and Children of the American Revolution (CAR).

This is the guys in costume marching towards the ceremony.

Courtney posed with them afterwards.
AND I know you want to know where Dad was??! WELL, he spotted some weeds growing in the far end of this field. SO, he just HAD to get a little cutting. little. So, I looked to see if he was leaving and THIS is what I saw...
