Sunday, August 31, 2008
Happy Birthday Haley!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Ashley Update!
It seems they are leaving out next Sunday, Aug. 31. She was told she is the "Frisker" for when they do their arresting on the high seas! She said she was VERY good at it! Bah-haaaaaaaa...that's my girl! Her other job is to assist in tieing the helo down when it lands on the boat. I told her to PLEASE be careful because this is hurricane season and I didn't want her blown overboard. She said not to worry because she would be wearing her life vest and helmet. Now THAT was comforting!
She is doing great! She is off work for starting Sunday for 6 days and said she may ride to Myrtle Beach with some of her friends. I told her if she did, to CALL US and we could meet her for a day of something. She also gets off for 6 days when they come back into port and she wants to come home then. This long of a liberty was totally unexpected...she thought she only got liberty either before or after they leave, not both. Isn't the Coast Guard thoughtful!
That's all my news for the day! Courtney has gone to the high school Jamboree football game, Britt is with Peeeeeej and Mike has gone to Guadalajara. I'm home with the boys fixing to go to bed because I gotta work this weekend.
Have fun!
So, I'll continue to bore myself.
I actually don't have any pics to add to this...with Ashley gone, Britt in college, working and seeing P.J. and Court in school and practicing with the band now, that leaves me and the dogs. AND Mike.
Maybe I'll go to Wal-Mart today. I need a mop bucket and Mike's Grandma Terry wants to go with me. I'll take my camera and sneak a pic of her shopping! YEAH!
Lone Joan (hee)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
American Idol 2008 Audition
Court did real good. She sang the Bee Gee's "Words" and even tho she wasn't chosen, she was told that she did great, but didn't meet the needs of the show. They had to get in rows of 4 people and step up to the producers table and sing about 30 seconds of a at a time. This is her in the line.
Court was disappointed, but not for long. A LOT of very talented people didn't thru and she saw that and that made her feel better.
Now it's back to reality! She still has alot to look forward to, including being in a band singing her favorite country music and going to Hiawassee, Georgia in October to sing. The band is SOOO excited to have her and they can't wait to have her join them. They're a traditional country music band and they are great. The pianoist is fantastic as is the steel guitarist. I'll tell ya'll alot more about that as I find out.
Well, I'm off to bed and up to work in the morning. is Ashley's birthday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!!!! The Officers on the ship woke her up this morning singing to her, then the whole ship sang to her and another boy's whose birthday was also today, Happy Birthday! She celebrated by sanding all day on the ship, then going to Virginia Beach and playing Volleyball. What a life. If you're reading this, Ash, CALL ME!
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Smooth Sailing and Calm Waters, Ashley!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Well, Britt decided she wanted to try a few push-ups, sit-ups etc....OMG. It was hilarious. Ashley was acting like a drill instructor (or CC as they're called in the Coast Guard) getting down and screaming at Britt..."ARE YOU KIDDING ME...DO YOU CALL THAT A PUSH-UP" and "GET DOWN AND PUSH ME SOME EARTH". Britt was laughing SO HARD, she couldn't move, which made Ashley scream even harder at her. The dogs were going crazy barking at them, then Buddy got so worked up, he had a seizure!
Then, Ashley got her black boots out to polish them. So, we were all entertained with the intricacies of boot polishing. There has GOT to be an easier way! She used cotton balls, Kiwi black polish and a brush. Geeeeze. I think the CC's at basic teach them that way so it takes longer...occupies more of their time. I think they got these spongy things you can buy that instantly polishes a boot in like 2 seconds.
It was midnight before we all went to bed!

So, I'm always adding pics to this blog and this is one I came across this morning of her boats emblem. I thought it was pretty cool!
I was going to take pictures from last night...especially of Mike trying to do flutter kicks, but they forbid me to even touch the camera. Just use your imagination!!!ha
Have a nice day!
Monday, August 04, 2008
MONDAY, Monday...monday
Before her party, she tryed on her uniform or "ODU" for us to see. That's her uniform that she
The party was great...I'm glad P.J. came over
That's Britt's redneck truck out the window!
Mom and Dad came over too
That's Deanna's boyfriend, Travis there with Grandma Terry.
it was a great day! I just realized FOR ONCE, I didn't take a picture of Courtney! OMG! Don't tell her...I'd never hear the end of it.
Today will be spent in recovery. More later!!!
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Sunday after USCG Graduation...
So, I didn't mention in the post below, we also went to the Smithsonian Institute while in Washington DC!
We had a great trip there. We also went to the Vietnam Wall, Korean Wall, Lincoln Memorial and from there we
This is at the Korean Wall. These are statues in a field...neat.
We left there around 1pm and drove on to Cape May...which is detailed below.
So, as I said earlier, today is the party day. We'll be taking loads of pics of that too!
Saturday, August 02, 2008
USCG Graduation - Yankee 179!
We made it back and it was SOOOO beautiful! Ashley has lost weight and acts SO much more mature! She's beautiful and you can tell from the pics...
She was on the drill team...the only female and did great. At one point, she looked up at us and smiled!
She has two ribbons for graduating and one for markmanship or something...she fired her 9mm good. That was her first time ever even touching a gun! My baby can SHOOT!
After the drill team's performance, then the graduation started and it was great too. She rejoined her company then.
That's her "Company Commanders" giving her her "diploma" or whatever it's called. I'm framing it! I was MOST amazed that she stood still for that long...that in itself was incredible! Look at the creases in her blouse! SHE IRONED THAT! OMG! HAAAAAAAA
Well, I'm off to bed. I have a TON of pics from that day at:
I'll write more tomorrow!